There are those who step through life with just the basics. We see these people
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
I once had a supervisor who walked as if he were on the very edge of a cliff, slow and calculating every move. His thoughts were the same, slow, methodical and simple. The problem was he never got anywhere...nor could he convey information adequately. At work he was
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
A high school friend of mine; a pure genius. He could read and understand the most complex of electrical schematics. Yet his intention to apply his gift was non-existent. He knew the problems, he knew the answers... He would never try to make things work... At school he was
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
What driving force did these two lack? I propose they needed a purpose. A reason to be there, a reason to live and to fight and to play and to do whatever was asked of them...with intensity. Neither individual really needed to be there.... they were both
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
So let me define purpose in my own warped sense. The individual must recover some sort of reward for their actions. Such as money, love or enjoyment. The supervisor didn't have to work, he was a retiree with a side job telling me what to do (poorly)... My friend didn't have to take that electronics class. He did it because it was nothing more than a check box he had to fill in. Wheat these two needed were rewards for effort. Their purpose in their actions would be to recover a reward rather than
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
Onto intensity. This is one of my most favorite concepts. It applies to everything. Intensity is the amount of energy we expend into an effort to engage with a particular purpose. I can't expound upon how highly prized intensity is in my mind. For me, launching a huge blast of energy into a project, and riding it through to completion is fascinating. It can be a workout, a tough jiu jitsu roll, driving on a curvy street or even photography. Intensity comes through verbally, physically, emotionally and even through time. As time has the greatest of all intensities! Time cannot be stopped therefore its energy is infinite! My two examples before, existed with no intensity, with barely enough energy to be
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
Bring into your life, your art, your capacity for a purpose with intensity! Extend this lifeforce and vigor toward into everything you do. Brush your teeth, reminding yourself you're alive today. Tell yourself what your purpose is today. Be specific, apply yourself to this purpose. Execute it. Drive great amounts of energy into this effort! Overflow the dam with your vigor and spirit. Don't hold back, drive forward until you've crashed the barriers and exceeded even your own expectations. Never be that person who is
...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.
Live these words!
..., , ardor, , , drive, vivacity, efficacy, spirit, power, efficiency, endurance,zest , exertion, , force, , fortitude, , initiative,principle, intensity, juice, life, , might, , ,will , , , , potency, , , punch, , spontaneity, stamina, zeal, ,determination , , vehemence, , , virility,fire, vitality, , , , ambition, , aspiration,, , , , desire, destination, , direction, , , , , , goal, animation , , , intent, , mission, , objective, , , , , project, , , , reason, resolve, , , target, , ,, ,

My dog Zulu. (Click for a larger readable version)