Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hit and Run



Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Some jumprope...

and a bit of SCUBA practice...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Know What You Know

I was sitting around thinking today...we'll actually staring at my wall, in my cubicle at work. Half zombie state and half daydreaming. Not because I was bored, but rather I was having an epiphany. Or more like some stroke of bizarre enlightenment, perhaps some alien felt sorry for me and shot some ideas through his inter-dimensional comm-link right into my brain.

You see, this alien may have beamed in a thought about knowledge. No, not actual knowledge but about knowledge. Geeks call this meta-data, normal people call this wisdom, I call this a lucky guess...

Here's what the little alien sent me: Know what you know.

Understand completely your knowledge. Seeking new knowledge is great, I recommend it. What this bit of absurdity is about is once you've learned something new, try to understand it completely.

One little trick I use when exercising something I know, is to act as if I'm teaching it to someone. In your mind, answer their questions. You would be amazed at how all the little details smooth out and you now, know what you know.

Being the master of your knowledge is very powerful! It allows you to break the rules. You can build new concepts which others may never formulate.

What this has to do with photography is fairly obvious. Understand everything you know about about your camera. Whatever you know about composition, explore it completely. Know something about light? Be the master of this little bit. Even if it's minimal. You'll add more as you explore.

This parallels my other passion: Jiu jitsu. We have noobs who want to learn everything in short order but fail to learn what they already know. I'm at the point where, I drill stuff I've done since day one. Know what you know is a force which is unbeatable.

A master is only a beginner who has mastered the basics.

Thanks to a little alien, I now know a bit more about my knowledge :)


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Purpose and Intensity

There are those who step through life with just the basics. We see these people

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

I once had a supervisor who walked as if he were on the very edge of a cliff, slow and calculating every move. His thoughts were the same, slow, methodical and simple. The problem was he never got anywhere...nor could he convey information adequately. At work he was

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

A high school friend of mine; a pure genius. He could read and understand the most complex of electrical schematics. Yet his intention to apply his gift was non-existent. He knew the problems, he knew the answers... He would never try to make things work... At school he was

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

What driving force did these two lack? I propose they needed a purpose. A reason to be there, a reason to live and to fight and to play and to do whatever was asked of them...with intensity. Neither individual really needed to be there.... they were both

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

So let me define purpose in my own warped sense. The individual must recover some sort of reward for their actions. Such as money, love or enjoyment. The supervisor didn't have to work, he was a retiree with a side job telling me what to do (poorly)... My friend didn't have to take that electronics class. He did it because it was nothing more than a check box he had to fill in. Wheat these two needed were rewards for effort. Their purpose in their actions would be to recover a reward rather than

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

Onto intensity. This is one of my most favorite concepts. It applies to everything. Intensity is the amount of energy we expend into an effort to engage with a particular purpose. I can't expound upon how highly prized intensity is in my mind. For me, launching a huge blast of energy into a project, and riding it through to completion is fascinating. It can be a workout, a tough jiu jitsu roll, driving on a curvy street or even photography. Intensity comes through verbally, physically, emotionally and even through time. As time has the greatest of all intensities! Time cannot be stopped therefore its energy is infinite! My two examples before, existed with no intensity, with barely enough energy to be

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

Bring into your life, your art, your capacity for a purpose with intensity! Extend this lifeforce and vigor toward into everything you do. Brush your teeth, reminding yourself you're alive today. Tell yourself what your purpose is today. Be specific, apply yourself to this purpose. Execute it. Drive great amounts of energy into this effort! Overflow the dam with your vigor and spirit. Don't hold back, drive forward until you've crashed the barriers and exceeded even your own expectations. Never be that person who is

...doing just the bare minimum... to survive.

Live these words!
..., , ardor, , , drive, vivacity, efficacy, spirit, power, efficiency, endurance,zest , exertion, , force, , fortitude, , initiative,principle, intensity, juice, life, , might, , ,will , , , , potency, , , punch, , spontaneity, stamina, zeal, ,determination , , vehemence, , , virility,fire, vitality, , , , ambition, , aspiration,, , , , desire, destination, , direction, , , , , , goal, animation , , , intent, , mission, , objective, , , , , project, , , , reason, resolve, , , target, , ,, ,

My dog Zulu. (Click for a larger readable version)


Sunday, September 20, 2009

UFC 103 PreParty At Plush

Thanks to a really nice friend of mine, Sheena Lee; I was VIP'd into the UFC Pre-Party to shoot some shots for a birthday party at the same location. Talk about a crazy fun night! Loads of people, packed together and the alcohol was certainly in a rapid flow! Glad I don't drink, I'd probably still be dragging my butt off the floor!

I'll keep the BDay party pics private, but I did get one shot I'd like to share.

Yes it has some blur...even some blow out.. I don't care. For me it was a perfect symbol of the night. Plenty of people were blurred, slurred and blown out! haha!


Saturday, August 22, 2009


I don't always shoot models. Sometimes shooting something as simple as water is just as challenging and interesting. The image below is actually three images super-photoshop-glued together..Each on it's own RGB channel. It looked ok in color, but I switch B&W. I prefer it this way. As always click for higher rez version for best enjoyment.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Worlds Collide

I recently had the opportunity to unite two groups I've shot for in the past. Aromaz and Dallas E-Models to include Sheena Lee. Both are really awesome groups. Dallas E-Models had a shoot for new and old (not antique, but experienced!) models down at the 8 Lounge. Aromaz offered up their hair/MUA services to any of the girls whom needed it.

Although I could only stay for a bit, I was able to get a few shots with some really talented girls!

So, enough of babbling... ;)



Sunday, August 9, 2009


Aromaz Agency had another one of their awesome launch parties at Club Lift in the heart of Dallas! As usual, the girls were up to the task of being the subject of many photographs! :)

They were awesome! Lots of fun!

Here's some shots(click for big size!):


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aromaz Model Agency Party at Bliss!

WOW What a night at Club Bliss! What a great group of girls! Thanks to Tina Ong for inviting Dave and I!

I'll let the images speak for themselves!

Check out my Flickr page for dozens more!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And now for something different!

Stumbled off to the Panoptikon last Friday night. A buddy of mine was in from out of town and I had told him about this crazy freak show. He wanted to go, and I hadn't been there in months. So off we went!

To sum it up we saw plenty of craziness... Here's one shot I think sums it up well :)


-El marco

Sunday, July 19, 2009

8 Lounge

Another fun shoot with the Dallas E-Model group and my friend Sheena Lee. We shot at the 8 Lounge in downtown Dallas.

I had just finished 3 hours of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, with 3 hours of sleep before that...after a 10 hour night shift...and the shoot ended right before my next shift started! Yes, if you can do the math, there wasn't much sleep those few days! It's all good, just drive through it all. I'm pretty good at handling issues, problems or whatever else life may throw my way!

I digress, please check out some of the GORGEOUS women below. They were both awesome! Life is easy as a photographer when your partner in crime is easy to work with.

( can always click on the images for the bigger version..highly recommended!)

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." -Einstein

"Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth."

"Creativity takes courage. "
- Matisse

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one"

"The chief enemy of creativity is good sense."

"Life isn't a support system for art. It's the other way around."

"Poetry and art and knowledge are sacred and pure."

"We have art to save ourselves from the truth."


Saturday, July 4, 2009







Friday, June 26, 2009

More FollowAModel

Doh! I hit enter and posted 1/10000th of my blog post! how stupid is that... sorry if you're RSS reader sees two posts... I'm stupid I guess...

Anyways, the most important thing is pictures. Images of some new friends, great girls. They were all professional and fun models doing their best on the runway. The fashion shoot was at Club Sting in Dallas. These shots were in support of the TV show FollowAModel. TV camera crews and lighting rigs were all over the place. I was in the video camera shots quite a bit as some sort of prop :) I hope they got my good side!

