"According to an old Chinese story there were three wise old men who lived separately as hermits in caves. One day they decided to see each other and two visited the third. They walked in a little bamboo grove and had a delightful time of spiritual communication and oblation. When they just stood on a little bridge, they suddenly heard a tiger growl, and all three at once burt into laughter! Then they parted. They had understood the synchronicity, for the tiger in China is the female principle of Yin, the fourth in their spiritual male trinity, which they had ignored! So they could "read" events simultaneously, while they were happening, and draw the right conclusion. This is a stage of development man reaches when he approaches death. Perhaps death itself is nothing else than this third stage, the union with the unus mundus."
Woke up this morning and saw this image in my head...Play!
1 comment:
This is an awesome picture here. I love it.
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